Friday, 28 August 2009


Just realised it's been a while since I last posted, so I apologise profusely, and offer this as summation of the last few days.
Wednesday brought a third and final day of study in the State Library, wading through books on American criminal procedures and also the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), trying to find out not only the way the American legal system works and progresses, but also possible insanity defenses for the alleged perpetrator of the crime in my novel.
Pretty heavy going actually, and in one sense, I am glad that part is over.
Yesterday was spent on a basic outline. I like to at least have a basic idea of where the novel is going before I begin. If needed at a later stage, I will flesh this out a little more, but that's really only if I run into problems. As mentioned, if I have a basic idea of where I'm going, the rest of the story sort of falls into place along the way; also, characters may decide to take the story in another direction, and I like to be free to explore that, rather than keeping rigidly to an outline.
Also thought I should mention that the novel is no longer set in Wyoming, for various reasons. I have now "happened" on the fictional town of Leech Lake, Minnesota (The lake does exist and that is its real name, but the town, situated on the shore of the lake, is completely fictional). I also liked the idea of the word "leech", given that I'm writing about lawyers, LOL.
Anyway, today is another day, and with it, another task. I am now beginning in earnest the first draft, and although that means having to get into a more than slightly uncomfortable frame of mind in order to write the rape scene, it will still start me on a course that will hopefully see a first draft completed in just under two months (Yes, this will be a record even for me, but I'm reasonably sure it can be done, provided I also keep on top of my other commitments!)
Enough for now, I need to get to work. :)

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